Mécanique Théorique, Interface & Changements d’Echelles

L’équipe Mécanique Théorique, Interface, Changements d’Echelles (MéTICE) s’intéresse à la modélisation et à la résolution numérique de problèmes mécaniques essentiellement non linéaires, hétérogènes, tribologiques et de rupture ainsi qu’à l’existence et l’unicité de leur solution.

rapport d’activité

Thématiques de recherche

Interaction Fluide-Structure

En Interaction Fluide-Structure, l’objectif est d’accompagner la croissance de l’activité de recherche sur la modélisation des foils et leur utilisation dans le but d’améliorer l’efficience énergétique du transport maritime. Ce travail de recherche se fera en collaboration avec l’IES, le LIRMM et l’Institut Grothendieck. Il s’agira dans un premier temps de développer une solution efficace alternative à l’hélice afin de combiner la propulsion et la sustentation d’un objet flottant toue en limitant le coût énergétique. Parallèlement, un second projet consiste à poursuivre le développement d’un Engin de Surface Autonome couplant les effets aérodynamique et hydrodynamique qui serviront de vecteurs à différents capteurs permettant leur collecte in situ.

Interfaces numériques (Tribologie et Multiphysique)

Les interfaces – contact, frottement, cohésion, dilatance, usure – sont les lieux privilégiés des interactions multiphysiques et des irréversibilités au sein des matériaux. L’axe de recherche Interfaces numériques (Tribologie et Multiphysique), autour de la modélisation numérique des interfaces, au sens large, est un point fort du laboratoire et tire le meilleur parti des modélisations cohésives enrichies, des méthodes de dynamique du contact et des couplages en milieux déformables ou rigides. Toutes les applications envisagées soulèvent des problèmes liés à la pertinence d’un VER ou du transfert d’information entre les différentes échelles. C’est un axe fédérateur des membres de l’équipe.

Micromécanique des Matériaux

L’axe Micromécanique des Matériaux concerne l’étude du comportement mécanique homogène équivalent de milieux hétérogènes déformables ou divisés en présence de non linéarités : plasticité, viscosité, fissuration, contact et frottement. Dans les applications visées, le vieillissement des matériaux prend une place importante – notamment au travers du laboratoire MIST – et se comprend comme une évaluation de la modification des propriétés équivalentes avec la microstructure. La prise en compte des microstructures induites (e.g. bandes de localisation, multifissuration) est un point dur. Parmi les milieux envisagés, on peut citer les céramiques poreuses ou nano-poreuses, les composites à matrice métallique et à gradient de propriétés, les roches et les milieux fortement divisés et architecturés.

Modélisation Mathématique Asymptotique

En Modélisation Mathématique Asymptotique, en abordant les milieux à microstructure, il s’agira d’enrichir la collection de modèles de structures minces et d’essayer de les étendre aux couplages multiphysiques. Par ricochet, il devrait être possible d’élargir la nomenclature de liaisons de contacts entre deux corps déformables même si, de manière indépendante, on pourra viser des situations impliquant de nouvelles variables internes et prendre en considération l’endommagement. On envisage aussi, dans le cadre de l’étude de milieux complexes, de modéliser par homogénéisation le comportement effectif de milieux présentant des couplages multi-physiques, de mélanges de matériaux à comportements réversibles et dissipatifs, de milieux de structure à échelles multiples (>2) afin de donner de nouveaux exemples de milieux continus généralisés.


Responsable d’équipe

  • Mathieu Renouf, Chargé de Recherche, Mécanique Théorique, Interface & Changements d’Echelles
    mathieu.renouf@-Code to remove to avoid SPAM-umontpellier.fr, 0467149635, bureau 114


  • Pierre Alart, Professeur Émérite, Mécanique Théorique, Interface & Changements d’Echelles
    pierre.alart@-Code to remove to avoid SPAM-umontpellier.fr, 0467143989, bureau 329
  • David Alejandro Aponte Rojas, Doctorant, Mécanique Théorique, Interface & Changements d’Echelles
    david-alejandro.aponte-rojas@-Code to remove to avoid SPAM-umontpellier.fr, 0467143504, bureau 119
  • Emilien Azéma, Maître de Conférences, Mécanique Théorique, Interface & Changements d’Echelles
    emilien.azema@-Code to remove to avoid SPAM-umontpellier.fr, 0467149711, bureau 110
  • Agathe Bignon, Doctorante, Mécanique Théorique, Interface & Changements d’Echelles
    agathe.bignon@-Code to remove to avoid SPAM-umontpellier.fr, bureau 335
  • Loïc Daridon, Professeur, Mécanique Théorique, Interface & Changements d’Echelles
    loic.daridon@-Code to remove to avoid SPAM-umontpellier.fr, 0467149651, bureau 333
  • Agathe De Sercey, Doctorante, Mécanique Théorique, Interface & Changements d’Echelles
    agathe.de-sercey@-Code to remove to avoid SPAM-umontpellier.fr
  • William Le Goff, Doctorant, Mécanique Théorique, Interface & Changements d’Echelles
    william.le-goff@-Code to remove to avoid SPAM-umontpellier.fr, 0467143504, bureau 219
  • Christian Licht, Professeur Émérite, Mécanique Théorique, Interface & Changements d’Echelles
    christian.licht@-Code to remove to avoid SPAM-umontpellier.fr, 0467149653, bureau 336
  • Armi Manorosoa, Doctorant, Mécanique Théorique, Interface & Changements d’Echelles, ThermoMécanique des Matériaux
    zafilaza-armi.manorosoa@-Code to remove to avoid SPAM-umontpellier, 0467143504, bureau 315
  • Yann Monerie, Professeur, Mécanique Théorique, Interface & Changements d’Echelles
    yann.monerie@-Code to remove to avoid SPAM-umontpellier.fr, 0467149629, bureau 330
  • Stéphane Pagano, Directeur de Recherche, Mécanique Théorique, Interface & Changements d’Echelles
    stephane.pagano@-Code to remove to avoid SPAM-umontpellier.fr, 0467149632, bureau 213
  • Guillaume Pellecuer, Ingénieur d’Études, Mécanique Théorique, Interface & Changements d’Echelles
    guillaume.pellecuer@-Code to remove to avoid SPAM-umontpellier.fr, 0467143504, bureau IES (GEM)
  • Oscar Polania, Doctorant, Mécanique Théorique, Interface & Changements d’Echelles
    oscar.polania@-Code to remove to avoid SPAM-umontpellier.fr
  • Paula Quiroz Rojo, Doctorante, Mécanique Théorique, Interface & Changements d’Echelles
    paula.quiroz-rojo@-Code to remove to avoid SPAM-umontpellier.fr
  • Joulia Salloum, Doctorante, Durabilité des éco-Matériaux et des Structures, Mécanique Théorique, Interface & Changements d’Echelles
    joulia.salloum@-Code to remove to avoid SPAM-umontpellier.fr
  • Théo Simonet, Doctorant, Mécanique Théorique, Interface & Changements d’Echelles
    theo.simonet@-Code to remove to avoid SPAM-umontpellier.fr, 0467149649, bureau 334
  • Clément Tosi, Doctorant, Mécanique Théorique, Interface & Changements d’Echelles
    clement.tosi@-Code to remove to avoid SPAM-umontpellier.fr, 0467149628, bureau 117
  • Weiyi Wang, Doctorant, Mécanique Théorique, Interface & Changements d’Echelles
    weiyi.wang@-Code to remove to avoid SPAM-umontpellier.fr, 0467149628, bureau 117
  • Thibaut Weller, Chargé de Recherche, Mécanique Théorique, Interface & Changements d’Echelles
    thibaut.weller@-Code to remove to avoid SPAM-umontpellier.fr, 0467143503, bureau 337


Article dans une revue


David Aponte, Jonathan Barés, Mathieu Renouf, Émilien Azéma, Nicolas Estrada. Experimental exploration of geometric cohesion and solid fraction in columns of highly non-convex Platonic polypods. Granular Matter, 2025, 27 (1), pp.27. ⟨10.1007/s10035-024-01490-8⟩. ⟨hal-04901283⟩
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https://hal.science/hal-04901283/file/Aponte_al_Granular-Matter_2025.pdf BibTex
Theechalit Binaree, Peerapong Jitsangiam, Mathieu Renouf, Emilien Azéma. Packing of cohesive angular particles: Cohesive strength, structure, and effects of angularity. Physical Review E , 2025, 111 (1), pp.015407. ⟨10.1103/PhysRevE.111.015407⟩. ⟨hal-04871518⟩
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https://hal.science/hal-04871518/file/Binaree_al_PRE_2025.pdf BibTex


David Aponte, Nicolas Estrada, Jonathan Barés, Mathieu Renouf, Emilien Azéma. Geometric cohesion in two-dimensional systems composed of star-shaped particles. Physical Review E , 2024, 109 (4), pp.044908. ⟨10.1103/PhysRevE.109.044908⟩. ⟨hal-04569608⟩
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Theechalit Binaree, Sararat Kwunjai, Peerapong Jitsangiam, Emilien Azéma, Guoqing Jing. Assessment of macro and micro mechanical properties of fresh and deteriorated ballast combining laboratory tests and 2D-discrete element methods. Construction and Building Materials, 2024, 420, pp.135525. ⟨10.1016/j.conbuildmat.2024.135525⟩. ⟨hal-04488353⟩
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https://hal.science/hal-04488353/file/Binaree_al_Con-Build-Mat_2024.pdf BibTex
David Cantor, Emilien Azéma, Carlos Ovalle. Failure of an effective stress approach in polydisperse wet granular materials. Physical Review Research, 2024, 6 (2), pp.L022008. ⟨10.1103/PhysRevResearch.6.L022008⟩. ⟨hal-04537651⟩
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https://hal.science/hal-04537651/file/Cantor_Azema_Ovalle_PRR_2024.pdf BibTex
Joffrey Lhonneur, Nawfal Blal, Yann Monerie. Mesh Density and Geodesic Tortuosity in Planar Triangular Tesselations Devoted to Fracture Mechanics. Journal of Theoretical, Computational and Applied Mechanics, 2024, pp.1-25. ⟨10.46298/jtcam.9768⟩. ⟨hal-03703549v5⟩
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Oscar Polanía, Nicolas Estrada, Emilien Azéma, Mathieu Renouf, Miguel Cabrera. Polydispersity effect on dry and immersed granular collapses: an experimental study. Journal of Fluid Mechanics, 2024, 983, pp.A40. ⟨10.1017/jfm.2024.176⟩. ⟨hal-04521106⟩
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Paula Quiroz-Rojo, David Cantor Garcia, Mathieu Renouf, Carlos Ovalle, Emilien Azéma. Rev assessment of granular materials with varied grading based on macro- and micro-mechanical statistical data. Acta Geotechnica, 2024, ⟨10.1007/s11440-024-02498-3⟩. ⟨hal-04840830⟩
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https://hal.science/hal-04840830/file/Quiroz_al_Acta-Geotechnica_2024.pdf BibTex
Joulia Salloum, Romain Léger, Hussein Chebbo, Loïc Daridon, Patrick Ienny. A new methodology for the mechanical behavior analysis of polyvinyl chloride and recycled polyethylene terephthalate foams: Finite element model updating using mechanical field measurements. Journal of Sandwich Structures and Materials, 2024, 26 (1), pp. 73-93. ⟨10.1177/10996362231203207⟩. ⟨hal-04225848⟩
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Yotsawat Terapabkajornded, Somsak Orankitjaroen, Christian Licht, Thibaut Weller. Asymptotic modeling of viscoelastic thin plates and slender beams, a unifying approach. Comptes Rendus. Mécanique, 2024, 352 (G1), pp.201-222. ⟨10.5802/crmeca.252⟩. ⟨hal-04764867⟩
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Weiyi Wang, Jonathan Barés, Mathieu Renouf, Emilien Azéma. Steady granular flow in a rotating drum: A theoretical nonlocal model for characterizing stress, velocity, and packing fraction profiles, encompassing grain shape effects from convex to highly concave. Physical Review Research, 2024, 6 (4), pp.043310. ⟨10.1103/PhysRevResearch.6.043310⟩. ⟨hal-04871478⟩
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Jonathan Barés, Manuel Cárdenas-Barrantes, Gustavo Pinzón, Edward Andò, Mathieu Renouf, et al.. Compacting an assembly of soft balls far beyond the jammed state: Insights from three-dimensional imaging. Physical Review E , 2023, 108 (4), pp.044901. ⟨10.1103/PhysRevE.108.044901⟩. ⟨hal-04255665⟩
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Agathe Bignon, Mathieu Renouf, Roland Sicard, Emilien Azéma. Nonlinear effect of grain elongation on the flow rate in silo discharge. Physical Review E , 2023, 108 (5), pp.054901. ⟨10.1103/PhysRevE.108.054901⟩. ⟨hal-04273446⟩
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Nathan Coppin, Michel Henry, Miguel Cabrera, Emilien Azéma, Frédéric Dubois, et al.. Collapse dynamics of two-dimensional dry and immersed granular columns of elongated grains. Physical Review Fluids, 2023, 8 (9), pp.094303. ⟨10.1103/PhysRevFluids.8.094303⟩. ⟨hal-04212053⟩
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https://hal.science/hal-04212053/file/Coppin_al_Collapse_dynamics_PRF_2023.pdf BibTex
Zafilaza Armi Manorosoa, André Chrysochoos, Andreï Jelea, Yann Monerie, Frédéric Péralès. Atomistic Study of the Properties and Behavior under Uniaxial Tensile Stress of Some Représentative UO2 Grain Boundaries. Computational Materials Science, 2023, ⟨10.1016/j.commatsci.2023.112314⟩. ⟨irsn-04210078⟩
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Kathleen Pele, Jean Baccou, Loïc Daridon, Jacques Liandrat, Thibaut Le Gouic, et al.. A probabilistic model for fast-to-evaluate 2D crack path prediction in heterogeneous materials. Journal of Theoretical, Computational and Applied Mechanics, 2023, Volume XV, pp.1-21. ⟨10.46298/jtcam.8322⟩. ⟨hal-03295926v4⟩
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Oscar Polanía, Miguel Cabrera, Mathieu Renouf, Emilien Azéma, Nicolas Estrada. Grain size distribution does not affect the residual shear strength of granular materials: An experimental proof. Physical Review E , 2023, 107 (5), pp.L052901. ⟨10.1103/PhysRevE.107.L052901⟩. ⟨hal-04097310⟩
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Adrien Socié, Frédéric Dubois, Yann Monerie, Mejdi Neji, Frédéric Péralès. Simulation of internal and external sulfate attacks of concrete with a generic reactive transport-poromechanical model. European Journal of Environmental and Civil Engineering, 2023, 27 (12), pp.3679 - 3706. ⟨10.1080/19648189.2022.2146317⟩. ⟨hal-04003908⟩
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Alfredo Taboada, Mathieu Renouf. Rheology and breakdown energy of a shear zone undergoing flash heating in earthquake-like discrete element models. Geophysical Journal International, 2023, 233 (2), pp.1492-1514. ⟨10.1093/gji/ggad004⟩. ⟨hal-04049275⟩
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https://hal.science/hal-04049275/file/Taboada_Renouf_Geophys.-J.-Int._2022.pdf BibTex
Yotsawat Terapabkajornded, Somsak Orankitjaroen, Christian Licht, Thibaut Weller. Asymptotic modeling of the transient response of nonlinear Kelvin-Voigt viscoelastic thin plates with Norton or Tresca friction by Trotter theory. Applications of Mathematics, 2023, pp.1-24. ⟨10.21136/AM.2023.0013-23⟩. ⟨hal-04239227⟩
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David Cantor, Manuel Cárdenas-Barrantes, Luisa Fernanda Orozco. Bespoke particle shapes in granular matter. Papers in physics, 2022, 14, pp.140007. ⟨10.4279/pip.140007⟩. ⟨irsn-03689677⟩
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https://irsn.hal.science/irsn-03689677/file/Cantor_al_Papers-in-Physics_2022.pdf BibTex
David Cantor, Carlos Ovalle, Emilien Azéma. Microstructural origins of crushing strength for inherently anisotropic brittle materials. International Journal of Solids and Structures, 2022, 238, pp.111399. ⟨10.1016/j.ijsolstr.2021.111399⟩. ⟨hal-03523602⟩
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https://hal.science/hal-03523602/file/Cantor_al_IJSS_2022.pdf BibTex
Manuel Cárdenas-Barrantes, David Cantor, Jonathan Barés, Mathieu Renouf, Emilien Azéma. Three-dimensional compaction of soft granular packings. Soft Matter, 2022, 2 (18), pp.312-321. ⟨10.1039/D1SM01241J⟩. ⟨hal-03474597⟩
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https://hal.science/hal-03474597/file/Cardenas_al_Soft-Matter_2021.pdf BibTex
Manuel Cárdenas-Barrantes, Jonathan Barés, Mathieu Renouf, Émilien Azéma. Experimental validation of a micromechanically based compaction law for mixtures of soft and hard grains. Physical Review E , 2022, 106 (2), pp.L022901. ⟨10.1103/PhysRevE.106.L022901⟩. ⟨hal-03763369⟩
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André Chrysochoos, Loïc Daridon, Mathieu Renouf. A damage criterion based on energy balance for isotropic cohesive zone model. Journal of Theoretical, Computational and Applied Mechanics, 2022, Volume 2, pp.1-20. ⟨10.46298/jtcam.7056⟩. ⟨hal-03098095v5⟩
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Thierry Faure, Kostia Roncin, B. Viaud, Théo Simonet, Loïc Daridon. Flapping wing propulsion: Comparison between discrete vortex method and other models. Physics of Fluids, 2022, 34 (3), pp.034108. ⟨10.1063/5.0083158⟩. ⟨hal-03601448⟩
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Christian Licht, Thibaut Weller. Asymptotic analysis of plates in static and dynamic strain gradient elasticity. Comptes Rendus. Mécanique, 2022, 350 (G2), pp.325-342. ⟨10.5802/crmeca.118⟩. ⟨hal-03763389⟩
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https://hal.science/hal-03763389/file/Weller_Licht_CRM%C3%A9canique_2022.pdf BibTex
Christian Licht, Somsak Orankitjaroen, Thibaut Weller. Asymptotic analysis of the transient response of a thermoelastic assembly involving a thin layer. Comptes Rendus. Mécanique, 2022, 350, pp.27-45. ⟨10.5802/crmeca.101⟩. ⟨hal-03011360v2⟩
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https://hal.science/hal-03011360/file/Licht_al_CRM%C3%A9canique_2022.pdf BibTex
Oscar Polanía, Miguel Cabrera, Mathieu Renouf, Emilien Azéma. Collapse of dry and immersed polydisperse granular columns: A unified runout description. Physical Review Fluids, 2022, 7 (8), pp.084304. ⟨10.1103/PhysRevFluids.7.084304⟩. ⟨hal-03763402⟩
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Adrien Socié, Yann Monerie, Frédéric Péralès. Effects of the microstructural uncertainties on the poroelastic and the diffusive properties of mortar. Journal of Theoretical, Computational and Applied Mechanics, 2022, 1 | 2022, pp.1-21. ⟨10.46298/jtcam.8849⟩. ⟨hal-03478716v3⟩
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Manuel Cárdenas-Barrantes, David Cantor, Jonathan Barés, Mathieu Renouf, Emilien Azéma. Micromechanical description of the compaction of soft pentagon assemblies. Physical Review E , 2021, 103 (6), ⟨10.1103/PhysRevE.103.062902⟩. ⟨hal-03259685⟩
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Noé Brice Nkoumbou Kaptchouang, Yann Monerie, Pierre-Guy Vincent, Frédéric Perales. Cohesive GTN model for ductile fracture simulation. Engineering Fracture Mechanics, 2021, 242, pp.107437. ⟨10.1016/j.engfracmech.2020.107437⟩. ⟨hal-03143810⟩
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Paul Sánchez, Mathieu Renouf, Emilien Azéma, Rémy Mozul, Frédéric Dubois. A contact dynamics code implementation for the simulation of asteroid evolution and regolith in the asteroid environment. Icarus, 2021, 363, pp.114441. ⟨10.1016/j.icarus.2021.114441⟩. ⟨hal-03185129⟩
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Adrien Socié, Frédéric Dubois, Yann Monerie, Frédéric Perales. Multibody approach for reactive transport modeling in discontinuous-heterogeneous porous media. Computational Geosciences, In press, 25 (5), pp.1473-1491. ⟨10.1007/s10596-021-10058-x⟩. ⟨hal-03269431⟩
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Theechalit Binaree, Emilien Azéma, Nicolas Estrada, Mathieu Renouf, Itthichai Preechawuttipong. Combined effects of contact friction and particle shape on strength properties and microstructure of sheared granular media. Physical Review E , 2020, 102 (2), ⟨10.1103/PhysRevE.102.022901⟩. ⟨hal-02925964⟩
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Elena Bonetti, Giovanna Bonfanti, Christian Licht, Riccarda Rossi. Dynamics of Two Linearly Elastic Bodies Connected by a Heavy Thin Soft Viscoelastic Layer. Journal of Elasticity, 2020, 141 (1), pp.75-107. ⟨10.1007/s10659-020-09776-7⟩. ⟨hal-03346719⟩
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David Cantor, Manuel Cárdenas-Barrantes, Itthichai Preechawuttipong, Mathieu Renouf, Emilien Azéma. Compaction Model for Highly Deformable Particle Assemblies. Physical Review Letters, 2020, 124 (20), pp.208003. ⟨10.1103/PhysRevLett.124.208003⟩. ⟨hal-02632538⟩
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David Cantor, Emilien Azéma, Itthichai Preechawuttipong. Microstructural analysis of sheared polydisperse polyhedral grains. Physical Review E , 2020, 101 (6), ⟨10.1103/PhysRevE.101.062901⟩. ⟨hal-02733944⟩
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Manuel Cárdenas-Barrantes, David Cantor, Jonathan Barés, Mathieu Renouf, Emilien Azéma. Compaction of mixtures of rigid and highly deformable particles: A micromechanical model. Physical Review E , 2020, 102 (3), ⟨10.1103/PhysRevE.102.032904⟩. ⟨hal-02947856⟩
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Loïc Daridon, Eric Delaume, Yann Monerie, Frédéric Perales. Local adaptive refinement method applied to solid mechanics. Applied and Computational Mechanics, 2020, 14 (2), ⟨10.24132/acm.2020.570⟩. ⟨hal-03053926⟩
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Theechalit Binaree, Itthichai Preechawuttipong, Emilien Azéma. Effects of particle shape mixture on strength and structure of sheared granular materials. Physical Review E , 2019, 100 (1), pp.012904. ⟨10.1103/PhysRevE.100.012904⟩. ⟨hal-02269096⟩
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https://hal.science/hal-02269096/file/Art_Azema_al_PRE_2019.pdf BibTex
Sandra Linero Molina, Emilien Azéma, Nicolas Estrada, Stephen Fityus, J. Simmons, et al.. Impact of grading on steady-state strength. Géotechnique Letters, 2019, 9 (3), pp.1-19. ⟨10.1680/jgele.18.00216⟩. ⟨hal-02314994⟩
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https://hal.science/hal-02314994/file/Art_Azema_al_Geotech.-Letters_2019.pdf BibTex
Soumia Teyar, Mathieu Renouf, Yves Berthier. Thermo-mechanical behavior of a granular media in a rotating drum. Mechanics & Industry, 2019, 20 (2), pp.203. ⟨10.1051/meca/2019005⟩. ⟨hal-03346875⟩
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https://hal.science/hal-03346875/file/Renouf_al_Mechanics-Industry_2019.pdf BibTex

Communication dans un congrès


Julien Bernard-Lameau, Jérémy Loustau-Laguide, Kostia Roncin, Benjamin Chouvion, Loïc Daridon. Study of the direction of motion over an Eight pattern trajectory for a traction kite Full downwind. 19èmes Journées de l'Hydrodynamique, Nov 2024, Nantes, France. ⟨hal-04788486⟩
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https://hal.science/hal-04788486/file/Conf_Daridon_al_Journ%C3%A9es-Hydrodynamique_2024.pdf BibTex
Agathe Bignon, Emilien Azéma, Mathieu Renouf. Elongated Grains in Silos: A 3D Odyssey through Non-linear Flow Variations. EMMC19-19th European Mechanics of Materials Conference, May 2024, Madrid, Spain. ⟨hal-04598530⟩
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Nathan Coppin, Miguel Cabrera, Emilien Azéma, Vincent Legat, Jonathan Lambrechts. Simulations numériques d’effondrement de colonnes de grains allongés. 16e colloque national en calcul des structures - CSMA 2024, CSMA, May 2024, Giens, France. ⟨hal-04683949⟩
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https://hal.science/hal-04683949/file/Conf_Coppin_al_CSMA_2024.pdf BibTex
Carmen L Lee, Ephraim S. Bililign, Jonathan Barés, Emilien Azéma, Karen E. Daniels. Relating microscale force and fabric anisotropy to macroscale loading in granular materials: an experimental proof of the "Stress-Force-Fabric" relationship.. APS March Meeting 2024, Mar 2024, Mineapolis, United States. ⟨hal-04456543⟩
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Christian Licht, Thibaut Weller. A unifying analysis of viscoelastic thin plates and slender beams. 26th International Conference of the Theoretical and Applied Mechanics (ICTAM 2024), Aug 2024, Daegu, South Korea. ⟨hal-04764921⟩
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https://hal.science/hal-04764921/file/Conf_Licht_Weller_ICTAM_2024.pdf BibTex
Frédéric Perales, Zafilaza Armi Manorosoa, Lucie Gomez, Audrey Somera, Clément Tosi, et al.. XPER : une plateforme pour la simulation numérique distribuée d'interactions multiphysiques complexes. 16ème Colloque National en Calcul de Structures (CSMA 2024), CNRS; CSMA; ENS Paris-Saclay; CentraleSupélec, May 2024, Hyères, France. ⟨hal-04611068⟩
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https://hal.science/hal-04611068/file/csma2024_xper.pdf BibTex
Paula Quiroz Rojo, Carlos Ovalle, Gilbert Girumugisha, David Cantor, Emilien Azéma, et al.. Particle size effects on critical strength of granular soils through numerical and laboratory testing. Pan-American Conference on Soil Mechanics and Geotechnical Engineering (XVII PCSMGE), Nov 2024, La Serena, Chile. ⟨hal-04804353⟩
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https://hal.science/hal-04804353/file/Conf_Quiroz_al_PCSMGE_2024.pdf BibTex


David Aponte, Nicolas Estrada, Jonathan Barés, Mathieu Renouf, Emilien Azéma. Stability of geometrically cohesive granular columns made of star-shaped grains. 9th International Conference on Discrete Element Methods (DEM9), Sep 2023, Erlangen, Germany. ⟨hal-04209702⟩
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Emilien Azéma. Exploring the scales in highly deformable grain assemblies when compressed far beyond the jammed state. 9th International Conference on Discrete Element Methods (DEM9), Sep 2023, Erlangen, Germany. ⟨hal-04209678⟩
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Guillaume Pellecuer, Thierry Martiré, Loïc Daridon. Gestion de l'énergie à bord d'un drone marin : Convertisseur Buck-Boost entrelacé. 5ème édition du Symposium de Génie Électrique ( SGE 2023 ), Laboratoire d'Électrotechnique et d'Électronique de Puissance - L2EP, Jul 2023, Lille, France. ⟨hal-04156498⟩
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https://hal.science/hal-04156498/file/Article_SGE_Gestion_de_l%27energie_a_bord_d%27un_drone_marin_Convertisseur_Buck-Boost_entrelace_Pellecuer.pdf BibTex
Oscar Polanía, Mathieu Renouf, Nicolas Estrada, Miguel Angel Cabrera, Emilien Azéma. Collapse of polydisperse columns: looking for a scaling between energy and mobility. 9th International Conference on Discrete Element Methods (DEM9), Sep 2023, Erlangen, Germany. ⟨hal-04209711⟩
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Oscar Polanía, Nicolás Estrada, Mathieu Renouf, Emilien Azéma, Miguel Cabrera. Granular column collapse: The role of particle size polydispersity on the velocity and runout. 8th International Conference on Debris Flow Hazard Mitigation (DFHM8), Jun 2023, Turin, Italy. pp.02017, ⟨10.1051/e3sconf/202341502017⟩. ⟨hal-04189785⟩
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https://hal.science/hal-04189785/file/Conf_Polania_al_DFHM8_2023.pdf BibTex
Paul Sanchez, Emilien Azéma, Mathieu Renouf. Modelling gravitational accretion: observable polydispersity at the surface vs real polydispersity. Preliminary results. 54th Lunar and Planetary Science Conference (LPSC), Mar 2023, Woodlands, United States. ⟨hal-04057883⟩
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https://hal.science/hal-04057883/file/Sanchez_al_Lunar-Planetary-Science-Conf_2023.pdf BibTex
Paul Sánchez, Emilien Azéma, Christian Hoover, Andrew Ryan, Ronald-Louis Ballouz, et al.. A Revised Modelling of the Strength of Regolith in Asteroids. 55th Annual Meeting of the Division for Planetary Sciences, Oct 2023, San Antonio, United States. ⟨hal-04356486⟩
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Clément Tosi, R Largenton, Y Monerie, Pierre-Guy Vincent. Modèle de zone cohésive viscoplastique pour la surfragmentation à haute température des céramiques nucléaires pressurisées. Grandes transformations : aujourd’hui.. demain, Jan 2023, Aussois, France. ⟨irsn-04249033⟩
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Clément Tosi, R Largenton, Y Monerie, Pierre-Guy Vincent. Viscoplastic cohesive zone model dedicated to overfragmentation of pressurized nuclear ceramics at high temperature. XVII International Conference on Computational Plasticity, COMPLAS 2023, Sep 2023, Barcelona (ES), Spain. ⟨irsn-04249046⟩
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Weiyi Wang, Jonathan Barés, Mathieu Renouf, Emilien Azéma. Flow of strongly concave particles in a rotating drum: stress profile predictions. 9th International Conference on Discrete Element Methods (DEM9), Sep 2023, Erlangen, Germany. ⟨hal-04209717⟩
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Sirine Al Dandachli, Frédéric Perales, Yann Monerie, Céline Pelissou, Frédéric Jamin, et al.. Simulations par Modèles de Zones Cohésives de la fissuration en mode mixte de la pâte de ciment et de l'interface pâte de ciment/granulat sous flexion 3 points. CSMA2022 15ème colloque national en calcul des structures, Université Polytechnique Hauts-de-France [UPHF], May 2022, Hyères-les-Palmiers, France. ⟨hal-03717716⟩
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https://hal.science/hal-03717716/file/S.A.D_CSMA2022_CP_FP_FR_YM_MSY.pdf BibTex
Sirine Al Dandachli, Frédéric Péralès, Yann Monerie, Céline Pelissou, Frédéric Jamin, et al.. Numerical and experimental investigation of mixed-mode fracture of cement paste and interface under three-point bending test. NoMaD 2022 - 4e conférence internationale francophone Nouveaux Matériaux et Durabilité, IMT Mines Alès; LMGC; LIFAM, Nov 2022, Montpellier, France. ⟨hal-03879807⟩
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https://hal.science/hal-03879807/file/17_Communication_NoMaD_SAD.pdf BibTex
Emilien Azéma, David Cantor, Itthichai Preechawuttipong. Rhéologie quasistatique et structure d’assemblages de polyèdres très polydisperses. 25e Congrès Français de Mécanique, Aug 2022, Nantes, France. ⟨hal-04280035⟩
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https://hal.science/hal-04280035/file/cfm2022_4500.pdf BibTex
Manuel Cárdenas-Barrantes, Jonathan Barés, Mathieu Renouf, Emilien Azéma. Mixtures of soft and rigid grains: an experimental approach. 25e Congrès Français de Mécanique, Aug 2022, Nantes, France. ⟨hal-04281697⟩
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https://hal.science/hal-04281697/file/cfm2022_4528.pdf BibTex
S. Carrasco, Paula Quiroz Rojo, David Cantor Garcia, Carlos Ovalle. Effets de la corrélation de taille et de forme des grains sur la résistance au cisaillement des matériaux granulaires. 25e Congrès Français de Mécanique, Aug 2022, Nantes, France. ⟨hal-04281698⟩
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https://hal.science/hal-04281698/file/cfm2022_6093.pdf BibTex
Guillaume Pellecuer, Thierry Martiré, Loïc Daridon. Power Inter Cell Transformer Modelling for ASV Application. 48th Annual Conference of the Industrial Electronics Society- IECON 2022 Conference, Oct 2022, Bruxelles, France. ⟨10.1109/IECON49645.2022.9968513⟩. ⟨hal-03822881⟩
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https://hal.science/hal-03822881/file/IECON_2022_Power%20Inter%20Cell%20Transformer%20Design%20for%20ASV%20Application_Pellecuer.pdf BibTex
Guillaume Pellecuer, Thierry Martiré, Mickael Petit, Benjamin Loyer. On-Board Power Management in a Marine Autonomous Surface Vehicle (ASV): Multi-Port Transformer Design. PCIM Europe 2022, International Exhibition and Conference for Power Electronics, Intelligent Motion, Renewable Energy and Energy Management, Mesago Messe Frankfurt GmbH, May 2022, Nuremberg, Germany. ⟨10.30420/565822275⟩. ⟨hal-03668824v2⟩
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https://hal.science/hal-03668824/file/PCIM_2022_On-board%20power%20management%20in%20a%20marine%20autonomous%20surface.pdf BibTex
Joulia Salloum, Romain Léger, Loïc Daridon, Patrick Ienny. Mechanical behavior of innovative sandwich materials. ECCM 20 - 20th European Conference on Composite Materials, Jun 2022, Lausanne, Switzerland. ⟨hal-03716247⟩
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https://imt-mines-ales.hal.science/hal-03716247/file/ECCM20_Salloum_Proceedings.pdf BibTex
Joulia Salloum, Patrick Ienny, Romain Léger, Loïc Daridon. Mechanical behavior of innovative sandwich materials. EMMC 18 - 18th European Mechanics of Materials Conference, Apr 2022, Oxford, United Kingdom. ⟨hal-03637060⟩
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Clément Tosi, Rodrigue Largenton, Yann Monerie, Pierre-Guy Vincent. Modèle de zone cohésive viscoplastique dédié à la surfragmentation à haute température des céramiques nucléaires pressurisées. 15e colloque national en calcul des structures, Université Polytechnique Hauts-de-France [UPHF], May 2022, Hyères-les-Palmiers, France. ⟨hal-03718339⟩
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https://hal.science/hal-03718339/file/CSMA_2022.pdf BibTex


Emilien Azéma, David Cantor, Itthichai Preechawuttipong. Independence of shear strength with particle size dispersity still valid in polyhedral particle assemblies. Powders & Grains, Jul 2021, Buenos Aires, Argentina. pp.06009, ⟨10.1051/epjconf/202124906009⟩. ⟨hal-03259804⟩
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https://hal.science/hal-03259804/file/Conf_Azema_al_EPJ_2021_4.pdf BibTex
Jonathan Barés, Manuel Cárdenas-Barrantes, David Cantor, Emilien Azéma, Mathieu Renouf. Highly strained mixtures of bidimensional soft and rigid grains: an experimental approach from the local scale. Powders & Grains, Jul 2021, Buenos Aires (virtual), Argentina. pp.05004, ⟨10.1051/epjconf/202124905004⟩. ⟨hal-03259819⟩
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https://hal.science/hal-03259819/file/Conf_Azema_al_EPJ_2021_5.pdf BibTex
Theechalit Binaree, Emilien Azéma, Nicolas Estrada, Mathieu Renouf, Itthichai Preechawuttipong. Shape or friction? Which of these characteristics drives the shear strength in granular systems?. Powders & Grains, Jul 2021, Buenos Aires (virtual), Argentina. ⟨10.1051/epjconf/202124906008⟩. ⟨hal-03259703⟩
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https://hal.science/hal-03259703/file/Conf_Azema_al_EPJ_2021.pdf BibTex
David Cantor, Carlos Ovalle, Emilien Azéma. Strength and energy consumption of inherently anisotropic rocks at failure. Powders & Grains, Jul 2021, Buenos Aires (virtual), Argentina. pp.07003, ⟨10.1051/epjconf/202124907003⟩. ⟨hal-03259735⟩
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https://hal.science/hal-03259735/file/Conf_Azema_al_EPJ_2021_3.pdf BibTex
David Cantor, Manuel Cárdenas-Barrantes, Itthichai Preechawuttipong, Mathieu Renouf, Emilien Azéma. Bulk modulus of soft particle assemblies under compression. Powders & Grains, Jul 2021, Buenos Aires (virtual), Argentina. ⟨10.1051/epjconf/202124914014⟩. ⟨hal-03259722⟩
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https://hal.science/hal-03259722/file/Conf_Azema_al_EPJ_2021_2.pdf BibTex
Manuel Cárdenas-Barrantes, David Cantor Garcia, Jonathan Barés, Mathieu Renouf, Emilien Azéma. Numerical study on the compaction of soft sphere packings. Particles 2021, Oct 2021, Hamburg, Germany. ⟨hal-03474552⟩
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Manuel Cárdenas-Barrantes, David Cantor, Jonathan Barés, Mathieu Renouf, Emilien Azéma. A micro-mechanical compaction model for granular mix of soft and rigid particles. Powders & Grains, Jul 2021, Buenos Aires, Argentina. pp.02008, ⟨10.1051/epjconf/202124902008⟩. ⟨hal-03259845⟩
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https://hal.science/hal-03259845/file/Conf_Azema_al_EPJ_2021_6.pdf BibTex
Sandra Linero-Molina, Emilien Azéma, Nicolas Estrada, Stephen Fityus, John Simmons, et al.. Impact of sample scaling on shear strength: coupled effects of grains size and shape. Powders & Grains, Jul 2021, Buenos Aires, Argentina. pp.06011, ⟨10.1051/epjconf/202124906011⟩. ⟨hal-03259863⟩
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https://hal.science/hal-03259863/file/Conf_Azema_al_EPJ_2021_8.pdf BibTex
Oscar Polania, Emilien Azéma, Mathieu Renouf, Miguel Angel Cabrera. Effect of the polydispersity on immersed column collapse: role of the grain size distribution on the deposit runout. Particles 2021, Oct 2021, Hamburg, Germany. ⟨hal-03474523⟩
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Joulia Salloum, Romain Léger, Loïc Daridon, Patrick Ienny. Comportement mécanique de matériaux sandwichs innovants. Congrès des Jeunes Chercheurs en Mécanique - Méca-J, Aug 2021, En Ligne, France. ⟨hal-03467661⟩
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Paul Sánchez, Mathieu Renouf, Emilien Azéma, Rémy Mozul. LMGC90: a Contact Dynamics open source code for the simulation of granular asteroid with realistic regolith shapes. Application to the accretion process. Powders & Grains, Jul 2021, Buenos Aires, Argentina. pp.14007, ⟨10.1051/epjconf/202124914007⟩. ⟨hal-03259852⟩
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https://hal.science/hal-03259852/file/Conf_Azema_al_EPJ_2021_7.pdf BibTex
Adrien Socié, Frédéric Dubois, Mejdi Neji, Yann Monerie, Frederic Perales. Multibody approach for reactive transport and poromechanical modeling in discontinuous porous media. Workshop "Advances in the SImulation of reactive flow and TRAnsport in porous Media" (SITRAM21), Dec 2021, PARIS, France. ⟨hal-03544804⟩
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Théo Simonet, Kostia Roncin, Lionel Lapierre, Loïc Daridon. Etude de l'efficience d'un systeme de propulsion maritime par foil oscillant souple. 17èmes Journées de l'Hydrodynamique, Nov 2020, Cherbourg, France. ⟨hal-03103310⟩
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https://hal.science/hal-03103310/file/Conf_Simonet_al_17-Journ%C3%A9es-Hydrodynamique_2020.pdf BibTex
Théo Simonet, Kostia Roncin, Lionel Lapierre, Loïc Daridon. Étude de l'efficience d'un système de propulsion maritime par foil oscillant souple. Journée Bioinspiration & Services fondés sur la Nature, Nov 2020, Montpellier, France. ⟨hal-02999782⟩
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Chapitre d'ouvrage


Mamadou Meïte, Noé Brice Nkoumbou Kaptchouang, Yann Monerie, Frederic Perales, Pierre Guy Vincent. Ductile crack growth using cohesive GTN model. George Z. Voyiadjis. Handbook of Damage Mechanics - Nano to Macro Scale for Materials and Structures, Springer, pp.1-20, 2021, 978-1-4614-8968-9. ⟨10.1007/978-1-4614-8968-9_70-1⟩. ⟨hal-03409666⟩
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https://hal.science/hal-03409666/file/chapter_MNMPV.pdf BibTex

Autre publication scientifique


Joffrey Lhonneur, Nawfal Blal, Yann Monerie, Jeremy Girardot, Mahmoud Shaqfa, et al.. Review of “Mesh density and geodesic tortuosity in planar triangular tessellations devoted to fracture mechanics”. 2024. ⟨hal-04653166⟩
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https://hal.science/hal-04653166/file/JTCAM_9768_review.pdf BibTex


Kathleen Pele, Jean Baccou, Loïc Daridon, Jacques Liandrat, Thibaut Le Gouic, et al.. Review of “A probabilistic model for fast-to-evaluate 2D crack path prediction in heterogeneous materials”. 2022. ⟨hal-03739347⟩
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https://hal.science/hal-03739347/file/JTCAM_8322_review.pdf BibTex
Adrien Socié, Yann Monerie, Frederic Perales, Anna Pandolfi. Review of “Effects of the microstructural uncertainties on the poroelastic and the diffusive properties of mortar”. 2022. ⟨hal-03682105⟩
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https://hal.science/hal-03682105/file/JTCAM_8849_review.pdf BibTex


André Chrysochoos, Loïc Daridon, Mathieu Renouf, Jean-Jacques Marigo, Laurence Brassart. Review of “A damage criterion based on energy balance for an isotropic cohesive zone model”. 2021. ⟨hal-03482933⟩
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https://hal.science/hal-03482933/file/JTCAM_7056_review.pdf BibTex

Poster de conférence


Agathe Bignon, Mathieu Renouf, Emilien Azéma. Systematic description of the effect of grain elongation in silo discharge. 9th International Conference on Discrete Element Methods (DEM9), Sep 2023, Erlangen, Germany. DEM9 Book of Abstracts. ⟨hal-04209698⟩
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https://hal.science/hal-04209698/file/Bignon_al_DEM9_2023.pdf BibTex


Kathleen Pele, Frédéric Péralès, Jean Baccou, Loïc Daridon, Jacques Liandrat, et al.. Modèle probabiliste de prédiction de chemins de fissuration : application aux matériaux cimentaires. Workshop "Statistical methods for safety and decommissioning", Nov 2022, Avignon, France. ⟨hal-03969911⟩
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https://hal.science/hal-03969911/file/poster_fissuration.PDF BibTex
Frederic Perales, Adrien Socie, Noé Brice Nkoumbou Kaptchouang, Frederic Dubois, Yann Monerie, et al.. XPER : une plateforme pour la simulation numérique distribuée d’interactions multiphysiques entre corps.. CSMA 2022 15ème Colloque National en Calcul des Structures, CSMA 2022, 2022, GIENS, France. 2022. ⟨hal-03704427⟩
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https://hal.science/hal-03704427/file/0000175021_001.PDF BibTex


Théo Simonet. Design d’un propulseur efficace en s’inspirant de la nage des cétacés. Visite HCERES au LMGC, Feb 2020, Montpellier, France. 2020. ⟨hal-02995262⟩
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https://hal.science/hal-02995262/file/Posters_Theo_HCERES.pdf BibTex


Félix Laboup, Mathieu Renouf, Jean-François Ferellec, Michel Wone. Toward the optimization of the ballast gluing process for track lateral resistance enhancement. 12th World Congress on Railway Research, Oct 2019, Tokyo, Japan. . ⟨hal-03170766⟩
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https://hal.science/hal-03170766/file/Poster_Laboup_al_WCRR_2019.pdf BibTex



Zafilaza Armi Manorosoa. Etude multi-échelle du phénomène de rupture des joints de grains dans le dioxyde d'uranium.. Physique [physics]. Université de Montpellier, 2024. Français. ⟨NNT : 2024UMONS004⟩. ⟨tel-04702538⟩
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https://theses.hal.science/tel-04702538/file/MANOROSOA_2024_archivage.pdf BibTex
Clément Tosi. Modélisation micromécanique de l'endommagement d'un matériau viscoplastique poreux par une approchecohésive-volumique : application à l'UO2 irradié. Mécanique [physics]. Université de Montpellier, 2024. Français. ⟨NNT : 2024UMONS017⟩. ⟨tel-04743625⟩
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https://theses.hal.science/tel-04743625/file/TOSI_2024_archivage.pdf BibTex


Oscar Polania. Polydispersity in Granular Flows : Exploring Effects in Dry and Submerged Environments. Fluid mechanics [physics.class-ph]. Université de Montpellier; Universidad de los Andes (Bogotá), 2023. English. ⟨NNT : 2023UMONS061⟩. ⟨tel-04587256⟩
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https://theses.hal.science/tel-04587256/file/POLONIA_2023_archivage.pdf BibTex


Théo Simonet. Développement et utilisation d’un outil de simulation rapide pour l’étude de la propulsion maritime par foil oscillant souple inspirée de la nage des cétacés. Biotechnologies. Université de Montpellier, 2022. Français. ⟨NNT : 2022UMONS085⟩. ⟨tel-04117454v2⟩
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https://theses.hal.science/tel-04117454/file/TH_Simonet_2023_V2.pdf BibTex


Manuel Cardenas-Barrantes. Modélisation de la compaction d’assemblages granulaires mous : effet du mélange de grains mous/rigides et de la forme des particules. Matériaux. Université Montpellier, 2021. Français. ⟨NNT : 2021MONTS048⟩. ⟨tel-03455602⟩
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https://theses.hal.science/tel-03455602/file/CARDENAS-BARRANTES_2021_archivage.pdf BibTex
Félix Laboup. Renforcement des voies ferroviaires ballastées : optimisation du procédé de collage du ballast par couplage d’approches numérique et expérimentale. Génie civil. Université Montpellier, 2021. Français. ⟨NNT : 2021MONTS057⟩. ⟨tel-03703943⟩
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https://theses.hal.science/tel-03703943/file/LABOUP_2021_archivage.pdf BibTex

Pré-publication, Document de travail


Yotsawat Terapabkajornded, Somsak Orankitjaroen, Christian Licht, Thibaut Weller. Asymptotic modeling of the transient response of thin viscoelastic of non linear Kelvin-Voigt type plates with Norton or Tresca friction via Trotter theory. 2022. ⟨hal-03763437⟩
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https://hal.science/hal-03763437/file/Licht-Weller_et_al-Visco%20Plates%20Friction.pdf BibTex